Service for depositing and withdrawing Digital Gold


  • Speed

    Instant and secure transactions

  • Accessibility

    The ability to quickly share the other title units

  • Convenience

    Pay at more than 100 000 online stores worldwide

  • Security

    Service WebMoney Escrow for transactions protection, service WebMoney Arbitration for resolving disputes

Overview of external markets

ExchangeRate, USDVolum per 24 h.Volume at Depth -2%, UsdVolume at Depth -2%, Au
Bitfinex 88.9225 13 548 646 230 usd за 7 873 xau 8 343 xau за 763 793 usd
OKX 88.7971 970 535 692 usd за 5 976 xau 3 418 xau за 302 058 usd
Bitget 88.9933 844 234 999 usd за 2 625 xau 1 178 xau за 104 058 usd
Exmo 88.8889 728 196 usd за 002 xau 001 xau за 063 usd 88.9884 328 95 703 usd за 1 068 xau 130 xau за 11 426 usd
BTSE 89.0206 003 5 567 usd за 062 xau 093 xau за 8 262 usd 101.2333 - 001 - 001 usd за - 001 xau - 001 xau за - 001 usd
LBMA 88.2297 - 001 - 001 usd за - 001 xau - 001 xau за - 001 usd